Henry Hargreaves is a New Zealand still life and art photographer working out of his studio in Brooklyn, NYC. His life long love of taking photos took an unexpected turn when he was spotted traveling through South East Asia and was whisked off to Europe to work as a high end fashion model.
After 4 years on the other side of the camera and the catwalk he gave it up for his own creative pursuits. He has since established himself as a full time photographer known for his fun, creative, provocative and memorable images (view the gallery above). He has created a wide spectrum of work be it for commercial clients like Ralph Lauren, Sagmeister and Walsh, GQ, V, Esquire, New York Magazine or in personal projects like 3DD, a 3D Celebration of Breasts, The Death Row Last Meal series, Bacon Alphabet or the Edible Subway.
What unites his work is his restless and curious mind, a fascination with the unusual or quirky and a desire to see how photography can illuminate the world and spark conversation. FDL caught up with him for an interview.
If you were a dish, which one would you be?
An Everlasting Gobstopper.
What's the first taste you remember? The taste of the back of a stamp, my grandfather would get me to do it. Later in life when I first had Beemans gum that taste reminded me of this.
The most incredible taste experience you had in your life?
Success. Something you always have in your fridge? Beer.
The perfect taste?
The first bite of a dessert.
Your first camera and the subject of your first photo?
Canon AE1, trying to shoot the waitresses I worked with at the local restaurant.
Is there a metaphor in your food pictures?
I try to use food to tell a story. The habits and rituals that surround us are such great reflections of who we are.
How do you know a food photo is valid and well executed?
If you remember it after you have stopped looking at it.
Is there a difficult photo you will want to take?
I only go for difficult ones, that's what makes it fun!
The dish to die for?
Haven't heard of it yet.