What would a Sunday in 2063 actually consist of? It's a tough question to answer but if this menu by Hendrick's is anything to go by then insects are sure to feature heavily.
As part of a new traveling exhibition they've created, Sunday Lunch in 2063, a series of lectures presented by mixologists, and sustainable food and drink experts who look at the process of incorporating insect proteins into foods.
The idea that in the future insects will become a standard part of our diets is a very real thing and something that many experts claim we will have to do as the population continues to grow.
Sunday Lunch in 2063 will take their menu of meals worms and locusts on tour, so if you're curious to know how meal worms with forbidden rice and oyster mushrooms taste, now's your chance.
The show is available at Brighton Fringe on May 24-27 and Edinburgh Fringe on August 8-11 before finishing at London Cocktail Week in October.
Via Not Cot