Making a chocolate-based dessert, even if you’re no great chef or patissiere, is often an exercise in virtuoso design, in which talent, taste, creativity are all part of the mix. Of the many cookbooks dedicated to the refined art of creating chocolate desserts, designed for the domestic expert, The Art of the Chocolatier: From Classic Confections to Sensational Showpieces is one of the most recent additions to bookshelves.
It explains all of the basic techniques for turning cocoa into chocolate, and then goes on to describe, step-by-step, how to create cakes and chocolates worthy of display in the windows of the world’s best patisseries. There’s also a section for the most talented experts in the field wishing to participate in international competitions to find the best patissiers. Ideal for people without a lot of time, but who do have a modicum of skill.
The Art of the Chocolatier: From Classic Confections to Sensational Showpieces
By Ewald Notter
Pictures by Joe Brooks and Lucy Schaeffer
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