If you can't locate your piping bag and nozzle and you've got a pressing engagement with some cupcake decorating, don't worry, help is at hand that doesn't mean a last minute dash to a specialist kitchen shop, and it's as simple as a plastic bag.
Cake decorating tips are always useful and never more so than when they're inexpensive and effective.
Ann Reardon has come to the rescue with 8 piping bag hacks that will get you out of a slippery icing predicament as well as getting you some professional results using inexpensive everyday household items.
All you will need to get icing is a food contact plastic bag, some scissors, a toothpick and tape.
Take a look at the video and you'll see just how impressive the results are.
Before you know it you'll be a dab hand with piping snowflakes, swirls, stars, flowers, grass and more on your bespoke cupcakes with nothing more than a simple plastic bag.
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