At long last, we have a food series that explores the contribution and the importance of African-American food culture and how it is the foundation of American cuisine. High On The Hog'is streaming on Netflix from 26 May.
The limited series, High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America, promises in just four episodes to be one of the most important and entertaining food and travel shows on Netflix for a while. In fact, so rich and beautiful is it, that it only serves to underline how such a significant chapter in the evolution of American culture has been overlooked in television for so long.
Rather than a tokenistic treatment of black food, the series is a deep dive into black culture, told with a distinctly black voice. The series has an all-black creative team, with Roger Ross Williams as primary director along with Yoruba Richen and Jonathan Clasberry. It is based on the book by author Jessica B. Harris, High on the Hog: A Culinary Journey from Africa to America, and is hosted by Stephen Satterfield (of Point of Origin fame). Satterfield, a trained chef, former sommelier and writer, is a revelation, whose star is most definitely on the rise.
At a time when it sometimes feels that all the interesting food stories have been told on television, High On The Hog is all the more impactful for revealing what is possibly America’s most complex and interesting culinary story to a wide audience, at long last.