The video teaser for the new menu at Grant Achatz' Next restaurant is finally here!
This time around the team at Next is dishing out a menu called 'Trio 2004,' which is a homage to the now defunct Chicago restaurant where Achatz met business partner Nick Kokonas a decade ago.
During his time at Trio Achatz experimented with the type of innovative food (think foams and liquid nitrogen) he would later serve at his restaurant Alinea, which went on to earn three Michelin stars and catapult the chef to international stardom.
The video is a blend of old and new footage where you see a baby-faced Achatz talk about the beginning of the "forward-thinking cuisine" movement. His only wish back then: "I hope people follow me, I hope they start doing stuff like this." It's amazing what talent, creativity and a decade will do...
Take a look: