Talents, tastes, places, people, events. Behind each one, there’s an entire world to discover. And these are the worlds – rich in history, allure, culture – that finedininglovers.com wants to reveal and share each day. With words from a story or interview, with images and sounds from a video or documentary, with illustrations or photographs from a gallery.
Each story will remain available to read and re-read on any day you wish: all you have to do is go back along the timeline and select a day from the FDL calendar. Or else go hunting among our categories of people, places, tastes, food culture or food events from the quick menu at the top of the page. Or, if you prefer, go fishing with the tags you’ll find below every article.
Alongside every story you’ll always find Tips & News, brief suggestions or related ideas: from recipes to recommended pairings between food and wine, from a chef’s favourite playlist to the latest foodie publications. Or else digital resources from the web or food apps, as well as upcoming or ongoing exhibitions, events, or suggestive itineraries.
Last but not least: Food for talk, a table which is always set for discussion among all fine dining lovers.