“Where’s the best burger around here?” Is there really a more contentious question? Burger, it’s the great divider, the dish every self respecting carnivore has an opinion on, we all have a favourite and most of us are happy to act as ambassador for that special patty in our life, that fluffy sweet brioche that makes us happy, the secret sauce that surprises us every time.
Ask the question in the office and you’ll quickly realise just how many opinions there are surrounding the best local burger spot and it’s exactly because of this contention that this list of the 33 Best Burgers in America is so ballsy.
This is the second time Kevin Alexander at Thrillist has collated a list of the best Burgers in America and some pretty juicy looking creations make the final cut.
There’s no particular to the order, just a selection of what Alexander, a self professed burger addict, believes to be some of establishments across America that are dedicated to the pursuit of the burger perfection.
You can see the full list on Thrillist.