In my many years as a beverage writer and Certified Specialist of Wine (not as hard as it sounds, mostly just a lot of spitting), I've learned a thing or two about the wonderful world of wine. I've sipped Sauvignon Blanc in the shadow of the Place de la Bourse, contemplated the merits of Garnacha with Spanish Viñateros, and even used a $1,000 bottle of Burgundy to unclog a particularly stubborn sink drain (didn't work, by the way). But if there's one skill I've mastered, it's the art of vinous prognostication.
And with so much uncertainty in the world right now (Political unrest! Environmental upheaval! Courtney Ford & Brandon Routh divorce after 17 years of marriage!), there’s plenty about which one can speculate.
So, let’s gaze into my crystal glass, peer into the swirling mists of the future, and discern what the year 2025 holds for the wonderful world of fermented grape juice.
People Will Drink (Slightly) Less Wine
Before you start hoarding cases of Josh in your underground bunker, let me be clear: there will be no wine apocalypse this year. But there are a few factors that suggest an imminent dip in consumption.
First, many are abuzz over the fact that Surgeon General Murthy is getting increasingly vocal about the health risks associated with alcohol. He's not wrong, of course–but did he have to say it out loud? Between a steadily mounting pile of health studies, and Murthy’s pleas to add warning labels on bottles, some folks might be rethinking that second (or first) glass of Pinot.
Pair this with the fact that Gen Z is drinking less altogether, and Trump’s threats to increase tariffs on everything–from fermented grape juice, to bottles, to corks, to "I ❤️ Wine" socks–and you’ve got a recipe for decreased alcohol consumption.
Non-Alcoholic Wine Will Be Even More of a Thing
Remember when non-alcoholic (NA) beer was nothing but watery, tasteless swill that you’d reluctantly chug at Brandon Rosenbaum’s Bar Mitzvah just to impress Becky Adlow? (No? Just me?) Well, times have changed. The NA beer market has exploded in recent years, with brands like Athletic Brewing proving with great success that you can have flavor and fun without the hangover. In fact, according to NielsenIQ, the NA market for beer, wine, and spirits grew by over 30% last year!
What’s more, market research firm Fact.MR is projecting that the NA market for wine alone will increase 170% (from $2.5BB to nearly $7BB!) in just 10 years. I believe it. Having recently visited Boro6, a fantastic wine bar in Westchester, New York, I was astonished to find an entire menu dedicated to non-alcoholic wines. And guess what? Some of them were actually...good. Lautus Dealcoholized Sauvignon Blanc, for example, offers a refreshing and crisp experience, with notes of citrus, tropical fruit, and a subtle grassiness–just like the grown-up stuff!