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Makroudhs (Tunisia Date Pastries)

Makroudhs (Tunisia Date Pastries)

Eaten in Tunisia and Algeria, makroudh is a date pastry made with semolina and filled with dates: here is an easy makroudh recipe you can try at home.

09 August, 2015
Average: 2.7 (45 votes)

Type of dish


Dietary Consideration

serves for


total time

1 HR 30 MIN


500 g
Lemon juice
1/2 lemon
500 g
All purpose flour
250 g
125 g, salted
Olive oil
100 ml, and oil for deep frying
Date paste
250 g


Put the sugar in a pan with the lemon juice and 250 ml of water.

Bring to the boil and simmer over a low heat for around 10 minutes until thick and syrupy. Remove from the heat.

In a bowl, mix together the semolina and flour.

Melt the butter and add to the dry ingredients, together with the oil.

Mix together until homogeneous. Add a little more oil if necessary.

Stir in boiling water, a tablespoonful at a time, until you have a smooth dough.

Shape the dough into strands 3-4 cm thick and make a depression along the centre.

Spoon the date paste into the depression and wrap the dough around it so that it encloses the paste.

Flatten slightly and score in a diamond pattern.

Cut into approx. 4 cm lengths and fry in the hot oil until crispy.

Drain briefly on kitchen paper and transfer to the sugar syrup.

Take out of the syrup to serve, and arrange in small cake cases, for example.

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