It seems that the effects of a 'driver,' a special drink made with lemon juice, soda water and sparkling soda, used to "degrease" and digest after over indulging, are miraculous.
And where else could such a concoction have been invented if not in Palermo, Italy, the capital of Sicilian street food – some of the best street food in the world.
In the capital of the sun-kissed island, there are still many kiosks where you can try the mysterious digestive effect of the driver, and you'll more than likely be all the better for it. Particularly if you decide to take a culinary tour of the specialties of a region that offer all possible variations on a theme of " fried and carbs."
We have selected just nine of them, to scratch the surface of some of the island favourites. Take your pick of your new favourite street food from Sicily?